Saturday 13 February 2010

Multi-ethnic Britain exposes the LIE of it being a genuine NATION

Despite the madness of allowing mass immigration into our already, natively and unsustainably, overpopulated country and the creation of a multi-ethnic society, perhaps it was necessary, it recently occurred to me, to expose the lie of nationhood on which the British state is based and from which it derives its claim to legitimacy, loyalty and authority over the British population. When we were all essentially the same race, sharing a common ethnic identity, maintaining the deception of nationhood was relatively easy, but the creation of multi-ethnic Britain has changed that.

Now it is a glaring LIE, with all that stands between it and the truth, being the POWER of the British state, on which we all currently depend.

Just as the Bolsheviks imposed multi-ethnic statehood on the Soviet Union, so too Britain's ruling elites - a coalition, analogous to that of aristocracy and clergy in the Middle Ages, of the political right and left - imposed mass immigration and multi-ethnic society on Britain; the former, in pursuit of largely economic interests (i.e. cheap foreign labour); the latter, in pursuit of political and ideological advantage from the "moral high ground" associated with the ideology of multi-racialism and "colourblindness" (the political irrelevance of race and ethnic origins), which arose in overreaction to the horrors of Nazi racial ideology and to the unjust and inhumane ideologies of Jim Crow and Apartheid, but was then consolidated, opportunistically, for political advantage and control.

The Soviet Union eventually split up, very imperfectly, into its constituent ethnic groups, and so too, I believe, will Britain. Only we need to make a much better job of it that did the Soviet Union; which we can do, by allowing individuals to freely choose the ethnic group, i.e. mini-nation, they wish to belong to. States, being proprietary, define themselves by the territory they OWN and CONTROL, but not genuine nations, which define themselves by the shared identity and mutuality of their members. If we proceed peacefully, cautiously, with humanity and understanding, we can confront the lie of British nationhood and transform Britain into a multi-national state.

One of these ethnic groups (mini-nations) will, of course, be multiethnic (a melting pot), but not all. Many people will want to belong to their own mini-nation. Sikhs, for example, along with many Jews, Muslims, and people from other ethnic minorities, and, of course, many, like myself, from the indigenous, native European population (to which I number European Jews, just in case anyone was wondering).

Importantly, there is no need for us to get into intractable arguments, or fights, about who belongs where, since everyone should be free to decide for themselves (unlike the present situation, where we are all having a multi-ethnic nationality imposed on us, by the state, whether we like it or not). 

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Racism, or statism?

Human nature and behaviour evolved to be not just very sociable, but also deeply tribal. This is as true now as it was 10,000 years ago, the only difference being that the material dependency on our tribe has been replaced by a dependency on the STATE and a MONEY economy. Our emotional need for a sense of tribal belonging remains, however. Under different circumstances and in varying degrees it is now projected onto the state (masquerading as our NATION), the company we work for, the football team we support, a political party, a religion, an ideology, or whatever.

The state did not replace our original tribes by democratic consent (Social Contract, indeed!), but by force, through the swords of an aristocracy, aided by the "moral", intellectual and organizational support of the priesthood, i.e. Church, which received its material reward.

Thus was the state originally created, by a coalition of aristocracy and clergy, to facilitate exploitation of both the natural and human resources at their disposal, to their mutual advantage; notwithstanding the, sometimes deadly, rivalries within and between these two groups (or classes).

Central to facilitating society's exploitation by its ruling elites was the creation of the myth of NATIONHOOD (a nation being the natural extension of our original tribe, a federation of closely related tribes, as when the Greek tribes, which had developed into city states, exploiting slaves rather than their own people, united into a nation to face down the Persian threat). The state was thus able to harness people's powerful sense of tribal belonging and loyalty for its own exploitative purposes.

Effectively, though not consciously, the state domesticated society, just as we domesticate a dog, for example, based on the animal's dependency and a regime of rewards and punishments (or promises and threats thereof) to gain control of and exploit for our own purposes its innate behaviour.

Returning to human nature: when football fans, for example, jeer a player on account of his race, i.e. ethnic difference, it is not usually an expression of racism, as politicians and the media would have us believe, and claim the "moral high ground" for (on which they base their authority and power, on which, in turn, their livelihoods depend), but a healthy, though rude and impolite, expression of tribal belonging. They are jeering at players they FEEL do  not belong to their tribe, or maybe the opposing tribe. Imagine the Japanese sending a football team, half of whom were not ethnic Japanese, but ethnic Europeans or Africans . . . Would that not offend one's sense of ethnic identity in respect to who the Japanese are?

Anyone with a healthy sense of their own, and other's, ethnic identity, would, of course. But the state demands that we suppress and deny (even to ourselves) any sense of ethnic identity, and direct our need for tribal belonging at itself instead.

The answer to my question - racism or statism? - is clearly STATISM.

But how are we (any more than a dog its master) to oppose the mighty STATE?

By peacefully and respectfully cultivating a sense of our ethnic identities, thereby giving rise to a New (multi) Nationalism.